Sappho: Fragment 16

Some men say and army of horses and some men say an army on foot
and some men say an army of ships is the most beautiful thing
on the black earth. But I say it is
              what you love.

Easy to make this understood by all.
For she who overcame everyone
in beauty (Helen)
             left her fine husband

behind and went sailing to Troy.
Not for her children nor her dear parents
had she a thought, no-
                 ]led her astray

                 ]reminded me now of Anaktoria
                 who is gone.

I would rather see her lovely step
and the motion of light on her face
than chariots of Lydians or ranks
                 of footsoldiers in arms

] not possible to happen

] to pay for a share










out of the unexpected.

Translation by Carson


Sappho: Fragment 94


Sappho: Ode to Aphrodite