Sappho: Fragment 94

I simply wish to die. 
Weeping she left me.

and told me this, too:
We've suffered terribly, Sappho.
I leave you against my will.

I answered: Go happily
and remember me -- 
you know how we cared for you.

If not, let me remind you
. . . the lovely times we shared.

Many crowns of violets, 
roses, and crocuses together
. . . you put on by my side

and many scented wreaths
woven from blossoms
around your delicate throat.

And . . . with pure, sweet oil
[for a queen] . . .
you anointed . . .

and on soft beds
. . . delicate . . .
you quenched your desire.

Not any . . .
no holy site . . .
we left uncovered,

no grove . . .        dance
                              . . . sound

Translation by Rayor


Sappho: Fragment 130


Sappho: Fragment 16